Published February 1, 2016 at 16:38
Households in Rossendale who want to reduce their gas and electricity bills can get help to make their homes more ‘energy efficient’.
£6m will be up for grabs to enable Lancashire residents to get energy saving technology and measures in their homes to keep them warm and their bills down.
Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) provide free or subsidised boilers and insulation measures as part of a partnership between every Council in Lancashire and a number of energy industry companies. The ‘not for profit’ scheme aims to help Lancashire householders to take advantage of funds to provide free or subsidised insulation and boilers. People who qualify for the funding will get the appropriate measures fitted free of charge.
Applying is easy. All you have to do is get in touch with CHiL by calling them on 03306 061 488 or emailing them at info@chil.uk.com They also have details on their website; www.cosylancashire.org.uk/
CHiL will guide you through the application process and if the scheme can assist you they will arrange for a free survey of your property to confirm what can be done.
Cllr Barbara Ashworth, Cabinet Member and Portfolio Holder for Customer Services and Health, said; “Fuel poverty is an issue for many families and we hope that this scheme will go some way to easing this. The Scheme will add to the Affordable Warmth scheme we already run in Rossendale, providing more funding opportunities for local residents who need it. I would urge Rossendale residents to get in touch with the CHiL team to see if they can benefit.”
Funding for the scheme comes through grants from energy giants as part of the government’s Energy Company Obligation. This legal duty requires them to deliver energy efficiency measures to help cut carbon emissions and help keep homes warm.
The CHiL Scheme offers local people an accessible and straightforward option that they can trust. The scheme does not involve cold calling, and any cold callers in relation to energy efficiency are not connected to the CHiL scheme.
The referral form can be downloaded below.
Filed under : affordable | fuel | lancashire | warmth