Could you be a Befriender?

Published March 13, 2017 at 17:34

Are you a good listener who is approachable and loves spending time with others?

The Rossendale Befriending Service aims to reduce social isolation for people and, if applicable, their partners or carers by arranging for a Volunteer Befriender to visit their home and provide some company.

Volunteer Befrienders are carefully selected and care is taken to match the needs and interests of the Befriendee. All volunteers undergo a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check and provide the names of two referees. All volunteers benefit from an induction and support training.

Volunteer Befrienders visit their Befriendee on a regular basis (usually just 1 hour a week) to provide some social interaction. This may involve just chatting over a cup of tea but could also include help with hobbies and interests. In some cases they may simply be required to sit in the home while their carer goes out for a break or an appointment.

Rossendale Befriending have just launched a telephone befriending service which allows the volunteer to call the befriendee once a week for around 30 minutes for a chat.

Befrienders are not expected to provide personal care but may be asked to carry out small errands. They would be encouraged, with the support of the Coordinator, to enable the Befriendee to access other activities and sources of social support in their local area.

For an informal chat or to request an application form to become one of our volunteer befrienders pleases contact: Justin Packman, Befriending Coordinator on 01706 253648 or 07528 753 085; email:

Alternatively, for more information on the Rossendale Befriending Service, please visit their website:

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